Partilhamos, a título póstumo, a Conferência “Ciência, Valores, Economia” proferida pelo professor Hermínio Martins na Conferência Final do projeto de investigação SDEI – Scientific Development and Entrepreneurial Innovation (PTDC/CS-SOC/114152/2009), no dia 11 de Setembro de 2014, ISCTE
PROWORK team has joined the Centre for Research into the Organization of Work and Consumption (CROWC)at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge, UK, for a two-day symposium exploring the potential of using Walter Benjamin's ideas to build on management and organization studies...
Open call for applications for 1 Master's Research Grant under the research project PROWORK: Projectifying work: network organisation models in contemporary capitalist societies", reference number 2022.04212.PTDC, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P....